Traditional Valentines Sparkle Surprize


This Traditional Valentines Balloon gift delivery Sparkle Surprize has a beautiful White Box with Red Bow with ” MY VALENTINE” printed on the top of the box.

  • Inside the box is a Happy Valentines Day 54cm Bubble Balloon and attached to the balloon is a stunning Red Ribbon Lite
  • We add other ribbons and balloons to complete the delivery.
  • When the box is opened, the balloon floats up with lights attached but never flies away.

We add a card with a your message to your Valentine.

  • AND we add light up Party Dots on the box to bring the box to life.
  • You can add a Valentines Teddy for only $19.95 extra or Chocolates.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call us on 0418 410 415.
